Single Steps Strategies Blog

Can you remember…

tft-2016When you were a child, what was your favorite toy? Maybe it was a stuffed animal, a game, or a bike. Maybe it was as simple as a baseball glove or as complicated as a model plane you built from a kit.

Whatever it was, it was special…and you remember it to this day.

Every child deserves that experience. This is why we are so proud to be part of The United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots drive. Can you believe we’re celebrating a decade of service with Toys for Tots? In that time, we’ve developed a fantastic partnership with South Fayette High School and collected nearly 17,000 toys.

To commemorate our 10th anniversary with Toys for Tots, we’ve set a lofty goal: 20,000 total toys donated. That 20,000 toys translates to countless children and families waking up to a very special Christmas morning.

Our lobby is already starting to fill with toys and bikes, and we will continue collecting until December 8th. Toys can be dropped off any time during office hours, and we hope you’ll also join us for our annual Toys for Tots Holiday Donation party on Thursday, December 8th from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM.

South Fayette Student Government members will be here that evening to “stuff a bus” with all of the toys and deliver them to the Toys for Tots donation center.

From all of us at Single Steps Strategies, and on behalf of all the children who will receive these toys, thank you!

Holiday Bother or Bliss? You Decide.

MGM smaller fileBy Mary Grace Musuneggi

A few days ago a client of mine wished me “Happy Holidays” as she left the office. “Oh, no,” I shuddered. “It can’t be that time of year again!”

Although I love the holidays, I know the stress they can sometimes bring. So much to do. So many deadlines. The decorating, the shopping, the cooking. The company, the parties, the family gatherings. Some of us approach these with excitement…and some of us with dread.

I don’t so much mind most of this, and in fact I delight in the sounds and sights of the seasons; but point me in the direction of the mall or Wal-mart and I break out in a cold sweat. For me, that is stress at the highest level.

No matter what part of the holidays stresses you out, there are truly only two ways to approach the coming days, just as there are only two ways to approach most things in life: You can be a Winnie the Pooh, or you can be an Eeyore.

Winnie the Pooh is one of my heroes. Pooh knows what will make him happy, and he pursues it with passion. When the honey pot awaits, he is not diverted by anything that gets in his way—not bees, not blustery days, not getting stuck in a tree. He is persistent, single-minded, and never has a harsh word to say. Every day for him is delightful. All of his adventures are fun.

On the other hand, Eeyore spends his days worrying, complaining, doubting, and insisting that nothing good will ever happen. He goes through each day planning for everything to go wrong.

At the end of the day, Pooh is reveling in a pot of honey, while Eeyore has had the kind of day he had expected, too.

As we approach the holidays, as we approach life, who will you be: Pooh or Eeyore? The results of your choice will be a wonderful holiday season…a wonderful life…

…or not.

Self-Defense 101

What would you do…

… if someone physically got their hands on you?
Grabbing your hands or arms. Maybe your shoulders or neck.
Squeezing…being manhandled…forced into a position that you don’t want to be in.

Would you let fear take over and paralyze you?
Or, would you FIGHT BACK and survive the encounter?

Not knowing what to do in this violation of physical space can lead to fear, paralysis and great suffering.
DO NOT let this happen to you (or a loved one)!
Instead, learn how to fight back and defend yourself against a close range enemy or threat.


On Tuesday, October 11th from 6:00PM – 7:30PM, Pittsburgh Combat Club is hosting a private group lecture and demonstration for Single Step Strategies.

In this dynamic workshop we will cover:

  • The nature of self-defense
  • The paradox of learning self-defense
  • Anti-social vs. A-social Aggressors
  • Understanding PA force law and it’s ramifications
  • What your attacker wants and does not want
  • Basic safety tips
  • General awareness strategies
  • Demonstrations of simple strategies and techniques
  • 50% off discount for upcoming seminars/workshops
  • 6 FREE classes at the studio
  • And much more!


Workshop – Self-Defense 101
When: October 11, 2016
Time:  6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Location: Greentree SportsPlex – PCC Studio
600 Iron City Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205


All registrants, please be sure to complete this waiver prior to the workshop. (You are not required to participate in the demonstrations, but there will be opportunities to do so if you wish. Please complete the waiver either way.)