eWomen Network’s Accelerated Networking Luncheon

Accelerated Networking - Luncheon   Please join us for the excitement and power of eWomenNetwork's unique process of Accelerated Networking followed by information from one of eWomenNetwork's informational and educational experts. Event details and registration information can be found below. We hope to see you there!   Experience the excitement and power of Accelerated Networking, […]

CWE Member Coffee Hour

      Member Coffee Hour Wednesday, January 9 (9-10am) Join us for networking, coffee, and a brief presentation. Hosted by member Julie Colton, Esq, of Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP at their office downtown, BNY Mellon Center,500 Grant Street|Suite 5240|Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2502,  Phone 412.566.1500

Everything DiSC Workplace Profile Assessment

In this half-day training, you’ll learn how to tune in to the diversity of styles you encounter each day so you can improve your networking skills.


Women Business Leaders Breakfast Series: Effective Advertising for Your Business


  Featuring Tracy Certo, Betsy Benson, Dorothy Frank, Dena Trusiak, and Hope Fahey   Friday, Jan 11. Women Business Leaders Breakfast Series: Effective Advertising for Your Business. 7:30-9:00am (Networking breakfast 7:30-8:00am; speakers begins at 8:00am) Looking to expand your customer base? Currently advertising but interested in knowing how to evaluate your efforts or better reach […]

Young Ladies Autism Support Group

Join young women with ASD ages 12+ for an afternoon of socializing, crafting and cooking! Lunch provided, no cost to attend, Caregivers and siblings welcome!   Parents in Toto Autism Resource Center 143 South Main Street, Zelienople, PA 16063

A Taste of Fitness Pittsburgh

The Ace Hotel 120 S Whitfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA

A Taste of Fitness started in Columbus and is now in Cleveland, Cincinnati and has expanded to Pittsburgh! Join us on Sunday, January 13 for "tastes" of 25 minute fitness […]


FREE Women’s Networking Night Out!

Inviting all women wanting to grow as a professional and network to grow your business!   Primanti Brothers (830 Clairton Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA)