Aging in Place with a Plan

When navigating aging-related issues for yourself, a family member or in your job as a legal, medical, or financial professional there is often a point that you can find yourself awkwardly operating in unknown areas.  IKOR […]

Disability Insurance Myths…Busted!

The Musuneggi Financial Group 4600 J Barry Court, Ste. 410, Canonsburg, PA, United States

Today’s realities make disability education more important than ever. The uncertainty of today’s economy makes America’s workers more vulnerable than ever. And helping them protect their paychecks has never been […]


La Pomponnee 25th Anniversary Dress for Success Fundraiser

Bella Sera 414 Morganza Road, Cannonsburg, PA, United States

Thursday, May 4th, 2017 6-10 pm at Bella Sera Join La Pomponnee Beauty Artisans as they celebrate 25 years of business by throwing a fabulous night of fashion, beauty and […]


Resumes that WOW!

The Musuneggi Financial Group 4600 J Barry Court, Ste. 410, Canonsburg, PA, United States

Could you be switching jobs–or even careers –in the next few years? Then this is the workshop for you. Today’s workforce is more competitive than ever, and you must have an “Awesome Resume” to get where you want to be. This workshop will focus on turning your “HO-HUM” ineffective document into a “WOW” that will: […]


CWE Breakfast Series: A Man is Not a Plan

Chatham Univeristy

Chatham University Center for Women's Entrepreneurship's monthly Women Business Leaders Breakfast Series features prominent regional women business leaders speaking on a variety of progressive business topics. Casual networking and a continental breakfast precede engaging and interactive presentations on topics essential for women in business such as innovative entrepreneurship, strategic business growth, unique marketing strategies, and […]


Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community 2017

Stage AE 400 N Shore Dr,, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Saturday, May 13, 2017 At Stage AE, North Shore This year marks the 15 year anniversary for Pittsburgh Walks. Last years walk raised over $444,000 to benefit 72 different health […]

Building an Emergency Fund Webinars

We all know that medical emergencies can be devastating to families. But financial emergencies, such as not having enough savings to retire, can be devastating as well. How prepared are […]


Gentle Restorative Yoga

Dr. Carole Kunkle-Miller & Associates 1720 Washington Rd, Ste 208, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join Dr. Carole Kunkle-Miller & Associates for a relaxing restorative yoga session taught by Julanne Bibro-Ruch LCSW. They will be using essential oils to help align the mind and body! This class is $20 per person. Please prepay by calling 412-854-4887 or pay via paypal. To send via paypal visit Choose sending money to […]


Acupressure, Stress Relief & Essential Oils

Dr. Carole Kunkle-Miller & Associates 1720 Washington Rd, Ste 208, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join Dr. Carole Kunkle-Miller & Associates for a class on how to use your body's natural pressure points to relieve stress and tension. This workshop, led by Wendy Weaver-Graham Ph.D, will focus on using essential oils to add aromatherapy to your body's natural healing.