2017 Executive Women’s Leadership Panel

The Rivers Club 301 Grant Street, One Oxford Centre, Suite 411, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

February 16, 2017 11:00 am - 1:30 pm The Rivers Club, 301 Grant Street, One Oxford Centre, Suite 411, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 The renowned members of this panel will cover topics ranging from: strategic planning, decision making, communication skills, networking, and mentoring.  The panel will be moderated by Chris Kush, director of operations for the EMBA Programs and […]


Cover Letter Clinic

The Center for Women 1620 Murray Aveune, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

February 20, 2017 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm The Center for Women 1620 Murray Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15217 This free program provides you will one 30 minute block between 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm to meet one on one with a professional writer to gain guidance and tips to improve your cover letter. It is […]


Resume Clinic

The Center for Women 1620 Murray Aveune, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

February 20, 2017 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm The Center for Women 1620 Murray Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Whether you are just entering the job market or looking for a career change, this clinic can help you tailor your resume to best express prepare you for the application process. This program will consist of a […]


You Can’t Take It With You: Insure Your Love WEBINAR

You Can’t Take It with You: Insure Your Love WEBINAR Tuesday, February 21 Session A: Noon – 12:30 PM Session B: 6:00 – 6:30 PM (Choose one) In life, we strive for success. We make goals. And often these goals turn into tangible assets like: your house, your car, your business and even your savings. […]

4th Annual Disability & Mental Health Summit

Beth El Congregation in Mt. Lebanon 1900 Cochran Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

4th Annual Disability & Mental Health Summit The largest collection of disability and mental health resources in western PA March 22nd, 23rd and 24th at the Beth El Congregation on Cochran Road Here is the 411 about signing up for the Summit: Visit DisabilitySummit.com Visit DisabilitySummit.com, to view the entire roster of 32 informative sessions. […]


ICE: Building an Emergency Fund

The Musuneggi Financial Group 4600 J Barry Court, Ste. 410, Canonsburg, PA, United States

 ICE: Building an Emergency Fund Tuesday, February 28 6:00 – 7:30 PM We all know that medical emergencies can be devastating to families. But financial emergencies, such as not having enough savings to retire, can be devastating as well. How prepared are you? The Musuneggi Financial Group invites you and a guest to an educational workshop that will help […]


Mentoring Meetup: Setting Goals

Branding Brand 2313 E. Carson Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017 6:00 to 8:00pm Join Ellevate's Pittsburgh chapter for this speed mentoring session focused on setting and keeping goals in the new year! 2313 East Carson Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Price for non member is $10. Please register online for exact prices and details.    


Avoiding Pitfalls & Minefields as a Family Power of Attorney

IKOR of Western PA 1001 Ardmore Blvd, Suite 102, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

When navigating aging-related issues for yourself, a family member or in your job as a legal, medical, or financial professional there is often a point that you can find yourself awkwardly operating in unknown areas.  IKOR […]


Managing Student Loan Debt WEBINAR

Managing Student Loan Debt WEBINAR Tuesday, March 14 Session A: Noon – 12:30 PM Session B: 6:30 – 7:00 PM (Choose one) Feel like you’re drowning in student loan debt? Or just treading water? Let us teach you how to swim. In Pennsylvania, the average college student graduates with $31,675 in student loan debt. How […]


Where There’s a Will: Estate Planning 101

The Musuneggi Financial Group 4600 J Barry Court, Ste. 410, Canonsburg, PA, United States

Where There’s a Will: Estate Planning 101 Wednesday, March 22 6:00 – 7:30 PM   You may think that good Estate Planning is all about what will happen to your […]
