Dress for Success

Zoom Online Meeting

Virtual Black & Gold Gala - Kick Off Fundraiser Join Dress for Success Pittsburgh on Thursday, October 1 for an interactive Virtual Black & Gold Gala Kickoff Fundraiser to support our mission and celebrate all things Pittsburgh, leading up to the Black & Gold Gala on Friday, May 14 at The Westin Pittsburgh. All attendees […]

Concept to Launch


"Concept to Launch" is a 6-week entrepreneurial training program for women in the early stages of starting a business. Dates: Six Monday evenings from 5:30-7:30 PM starting on October 5th […]

Breaking Down the Business Plan


Breaking Down the Business Plan is a 6-week program to help you develop a comprehensive business plan for your business. The foundation of a successful business is a solid business plan. Committing your idea to paper in the form of a business plan not only increases your chances of obtaining financing but also of keeping […]

Women Who Wine – Virtual Event


Women Who Wine – Fall 2020 Pour a glass of WINE and join us for a virtual panel discussion on relationships, wellness, and physical well-being during 2020. Survivor Skills for Abundant […]

Dress for Success

Zoom Online Meeting

Dress For Success Pittsburgh Introducing the Virtual Connections Resource Center Tuesday, October 13 11:30am-12:00pm Join the meeting via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElce6prD4tGdDijEFvHLuYZMuqYYhUUdy6  

Election 2020


Elsie Hillman Chair In Women and Politics Election 2020: A Conversation with Governors Jennifer Granholm (D-MI) and Susana Martinez (R-NM) A moderated conversation about the 2020 election, gender and elections, and their thoughts on the current political climate.

Women & Business Virtual Networking

Each quarter, Pittsburgh Magazine spotlights exceptional business women within our pages and at our networking events. Join for vibrant conversations with four inspiring honorees and an exciting keynote speaker at the final virtual Women & Business event in 2020.  Agenda:  Introduction for our Non-Profit Partner, Pressley Ridge Breakout Networking Session 1  Honoree Presentation, S&T Bank […]

Dress For Success Pittsburgh

Workshop PGH 5135 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, United States

Dress for Success Pittsburgh will be partnering with Workshop PGH and Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation to host a community suiting event for local women on Wednesday, December 16 from 10am-3pm. Items available include business professional, business casual, rebuilding wardrobe and winter attire. While supplies last. To spread the holiday cheer, every woman suited will also receive a […]

Women Business Leaders Breakfast “At Home” Series

Executive Director Mila Sanina will talk about her role at PublicSource, a nonprofit, non-partisan newsroom delivering public-service journalism in the Pittsburgh region. Mila will share the lessons she learned while building the innovative newsroom, why public-service journalism matters to business and why we all should want a city with journalism that follows processes of fact-checking, cares about fault lines […]

Build Your Business


Offered in partnership with Pittsburgh SCORE, the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship will present a Build Your Business 2-hour webinar for women interested in starting or expanding their business. Business experts and seasoned entrepreneurs will discuss the following topics: Digital Marketing, Legal, Financing, Accounting, and Business Lessons Learned.