Income is the Outcome WEBINAR

The Musuneggi Financial Group 4600 J Barry Court, Ste. 410, Canonsburg, PA, United States

Whether you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s, you need to ask one essential question: “Will my retirement income support my lifestyle?” This workshop is for anyone who […]


Taking Control of Your Debt

Musuneggi Financial Group 1910 Cochran Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

If you’re worried about debt, you’re not alone. Did you know 8 out of 10 Americans are in debt? And that debt can affect everything from your credit to your job and insurance? Everyone’s situation is different, but for each scenario there are effective strategies for paying down—and even eliminating!—your debt. Join special guest presenter […]


Savvy Women, Smart Investors

Musuneggi Financial Group 1910 Cochran Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Open a 1950s Home Economics textbook and you’re likely to find lessons teaching young women how to make a home for their future husbands. Fortunately, much has changed for women […]


Pittsburgh Career Fair

Marriott City Center 112 Washington Place, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

May 17th, 2016 11:00am – 2:00pm Marriott City Center 112 Washington Place Pittsburgh, PA 15219 *Free for Job Seekers but you must register online and print and bring ticket to event*


Macy’s Fur Restyling Event

The Fur Vault at Macys South Hills Village

If you've inherited a fur coat that is out of style or doesn't fit with your wardrobe, consider re-styling it into a jacket, vest, wrap, or even trim for a sweater […]

Diversity through the Eyes of Women – African-American Community Panel Discussion

Point Park University, Lawrence Hall, Room 200 212 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Presented by: World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh June 6th, 2016 5:30 PM Point Park University 212 Wood Street Pittsburgh, PA 15222 This special panel discussion will focus on Pittsburgh's African- American community. The program, held as part of the Council's Diversity through the Eye's of Women series, will feature: Melanie Harrington, President and CEO of […]


Women’s Book Group

Christ United Methodist Church 44 Highland Road, Bethel Park, PA, United States

3:30 PM Wednesday June 8th Free! Christ United Methodist Church In the Otterbein Room 44 Highland Road Bethel Park, PA 15102 The reading for the month of June is, The […]


Women Business Leaders Breakfast

James Laughlin Music Hall at Chatham University Woodland Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The Women Business Leaders Breakfast Series features prominent regional women business leaders speaking on a variety of progressive business topics. Casual networking and a continental breakfast precede engaging and interactive presentations on topics essential for women in business such as innovative entrepreneurship, strategic business growth, unique marketing strategies, and logistical business planning. Friday, June 10 […]
