Single Step Strategies: Frequently Asked Questions

What resources do you provide access to?

Our website’s event calendar acts as a clearinghouse for local workshops, professionals, and presentations that can provide the tools, ideas, and strategies women need to navigate a wide range of lifestyle issues. We are currently expanding our scope to include more educational videos and articles. In our Insights blog, successful women who live in and around Pittsburgh share their perspective and expertise.

What do you mean by “challenges and changes”?

Life has a funny way of coming up with new challenges all the time, but here are some that our content has addressed:

Relationships & Family: Marriage; Life during and after divorce; Navigating life as a widow

Finance: Budgeting; Managing debt; Achieving financial independence; Paying for college

Business: Networking; Owning a small business; Marketing; Finding a new job

Health: Fitness & nutrition; Coping with illness; Assessing insurance needs; Understanding long-term care

Milestones: Graduating; Becoming a parent; Buying or selling a home; Planning for/managing retirement

How can I have my workshop or presentation included on your calendar?

Send the following information to us via our Contact page:

  • Your name, phone number, and email address
  • Event title and a short description of event
  • Event date, time, location, and cost
  • Link to event/group/presenter website

All events are evaluated for quality by our team prior to being posted. Events that are accepted will be posted on our calendar within 72 hours of receiving your information.

Why a single step?

Often, the thing standing between a woman and her personal or professional goals is doubt. Doubt takes many forms: I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know enough about it. I don’t know where to start.

What Mary Grace discovered time and time again is that the best way to stomp out doubt is to take a single step in the right direction. That single step will lead to another step, and the steps will continue and build until you reach the top. Of course, the top is something you have to define for yourself—and sometimes just identifying that goal is the first step.

Have a Question?

Contact us with your questions about how to take the next best single step in your life. We’ll get back to you and direct you to a resource or other suggestions to help you take a positive step.

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