Women Who Wine Spring 2021: Recap
On Thursday, April 29th, Single Steps Strategies hosted our semi-annual Women Who Wine Event, held virtually via webinar for spring of 2021.
The Women Who Wine series asks women from all walks of life to take an hour and a half to themselves, savor each other’s company, and enjoy a glass of wine. Each event features a guest speaker or panel of speakers who share their insight on life and relationships, finance, education, health and wellness, or any number of other topics, with the ultimate goal of helping the Single Steps community grow and attain their individual goals.
Our spring webinar, “Push the Reset Button: Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life”, featured guest speaker Krystalore Crews, a military veteran and spouse, former NFL cheerleader, and life and mindset coach.
After introducing herself and her line of work, Krystalore kicked off the event by engaging with our attendees with an activity meant to highlight the many relationships we have in life. By going through these relationships and examining who we are other people, she noted that many of us tend to over-extend ourselves and put our own personal development on the back burner. Krystalore encouraged our attendees to recommit to fulfilling their own needs before focusing on the needs of others. After all, she cautioned, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”.
We cannot thank Krystalore enough for taking the time to engage with our community and provide her invaluable insight into how to make mindset shifts that lead to personal growth. Read more about Krystalore Crews and her work as a personal coach and inclusion consultant on her website, The Crews Coach.
Couldn’t attend the webinar, but interested in coming to the next event? Want to stay up to date on Single Steps Strategies? Follow us on Facebook, and subscribe to the Single Steps Strategies email list.